Garden Center. Excellence.

Jardinerie Tournesols
Namur (BEL)

Performance and construction phases under german law Technical design | Project management and supervision | Construction and handover June 2022 - February 2023 Combination of wide aisles and Venlo Cabrio greenhouses. Approx. 6 050 m²
Performance and construction phases under german law Technical design | Project management and supervision | Construction and handover
June 2022 - February 2023
Combination of wide aisles and Venlo Cabrio greenhouses.
Approx. 6 050 m²

With an impressive size of 6,050 m² and a unique color concept, this garden center sets new standards in greenhouse architecture. In close cooperation with our highly competent team of architects, all specific building and fire protection regulations in Belgium were taken into account and implemented.


The nine wide-span greenhouses, covered with 32 mm PC multiwall sheets, not only offer optimum light conditions, but also outstanding insulation. The combination of negative pressure drainage and our tried-and-tested Rabensteiner thermal gutter ensures reliable drainage of the roof surfaces.


The Venlo Cabrio greennhouse in the covered outdoor area with 16 mm PC multi-skin sheets ensures optimum ventilation and ideal climatic conditions. However, the project is not only technically impressive, the harmonious color scheme also blends in perfectly with the surroundings and gives the location an unmistakable identity.


Die Venlo-Cabrio-Bauweise im überdachten Freibereich mit 16-mm-PC-Stegplatten sorgt für optimale Belüftung und ideale klimatische Bedingungen. Doch nicht nur technisch überzeugt das Projekt, auch ästhetisch fügt sich die harmonische Farbgestaltung perfekt in die Umgebung ein und verleiht dem Standort eine unverkennbare Identität.


Photocredits: ©Vincent Ferooz



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