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Foundation Stone & Crowning.
Gartenwelt BucherWidnau (CH)
Design planning | approval planning and implementation planning | realization | project and construction management August 21 - February 22 Venlo and cabrio greenhouse construction | Light band | Louvered ventilator | Heating | Climate control 3 700 m²
Design planning | approval planning and implementation planning | realization | project and construction management
August 21 - February 22
Venlo and cabrio greenhouse construction | Light band | Louvered ventilator | Heating | Climate control
3 700 m²
The new 3,700 m² Bucher Garden Center in Switzerland is the cornerstone and at the same time the crowning glory of the state-of-the-art reorientation of the long-established garden center. Working closely with the client, the ideas and wishes were analyzed, optimized, jointly developed and implemented. The result is the complete redevelopment of the brand core, accompanied by a thoroughly rethought corporate identity. This is expressed above all in the individual color concept. Noble anthracite-colored accents can be found in all areas of the garden center creating a harmonious overall picture.
Fotcredits: Lars Gruber